Dance Dreams

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Dance Dreams

“If you’re a fan of the movie Center Stage, the TV show Dance Academy, ballet, theater shenanigans, dance-offs, tights, parents/loved ones who “don’t get it”, secret romances, and watching dancers yell, “she’s pregnant!”… you will want to see this show!” — Co-Director Rachel Austin.

It is here in this cut-throat and shade-throwing world of ballet that Dance Dreams: Life in Dance, Improvised, The Hideout Theatre’s latest production, is set. Every Saturday at 8 pm in November and December the cast of Dance Dreams will improvise the story of a fictional dance company, their epic fails, their victory laps, and their unstoppable drive and ambition in the face of all the haters.

Expect improvised and choreographed dance pieces, hilarious and dynamic scenes with a whole host of never-before-seen characters – all completely improvised in the moment by our fierce cast of improvisers accompanied by our B. Iden Payne award-winning technical improvisers in the booth!

Practice like you’ve never won. Perform like you’ve never lost.


Directors: Rachel Austin and Valerie Ward
Ensemble Cast: Rachel Austin, Linzy Beltran, Quinn Buckner, Katie Dahm, Rose Frezza, Kelly Hasandras, Margaret Hunsicker, Lisa Jackson, Marc Jalandoon, Nicholas Marino, Erin Molson, Way Spurr-Chen
Technical Director: Lindsey McGowen
Choreographer: Kelly Hasandras
Stage Manager: Bonnie Dilber
Assistant Stage Manager: Biz Gilmore
Lighting Design: Lindsey McGowen, Jason Hoppenworth, Biz Gilmore
Sound Design: Jenn Hamm, Lindsey McGowen
Graphic & Scenic Design: Kaci Beeler
Photography: Steve Rogers

The Hideout Theatre is committed to many types of diversity in our casts and crews.