Why Austin Secrets Needs You

A tender scene of Austin Secrets

We are about to enter our fourth season of Austin Secrets, the show that The Hideout Theatre is arguably most known for. I couldn’t imagine a better show to have as a flagship. The show has everything that we want in improv: emotion, complex relationships, stories, humor, drama, interesting character. My personal favorite part of this show is the opportunity to bring you, the audience member, into it. Austin Secrets needs you. The show cannot exist without your secrets; your generosity.

The old Greek word for theater was “theasthai”, which meant “behold”. Eventually the old french spelling “theater/theatre” became the norm. The old french definition means “open air place in ancient times for viewing spectacles”. The description “open air” has always resonated with me. Theater is an opportunity to slow down and explore the truths, get them out in the open. It’s the time to talk about things.

Austin Secrets asks members of its community to share their own secrets anonymously. We then invite you to our performances to see them come to life. We’ll read them aloud, and then bring them onstage in the form of various scenes. Some will be funny. Some will be interesting. Some will be heartbreaking. Some will challenge us in ways we’ve never explored. The bizarre reality is that the truth is often more interesting than anything we can create with our imaginations. This is why Austin Secrets needs you. And maybe, you need it.

Share your secrets with us.

They will remain completely anonymous.
Send a Secret

More Information

Austin Secrets runs every Saturday in September and every Friday & Saturday in October at 8pm. Learn More