The First Hardcore Four

If the 8 improvisers performing for the entire 43 hours of the Marathon are the Crazy Eight, then these are the Hardcore Four.

This year Ashley Lowe, Amy Dietze, Ryan Criswell, and Cat Drago  will attempt to WATCH THE ENTIRE MARATHON.

They look sane, don’t they?

I (Roy) am STUPIDLY excited about this idea. I’ve wanted to make it happen since the first Marathon, and I’m stoked that it’s finally becoming reality. I have NO IDEA if they’ll be able to make it.

In my mind, watching the entire marathon will be much harder than performing in it… at least from the whole “staying awake” perspective. Wouldn’t you just fall asleep? As a former Marathon performer, I know that the shows where the format involved sitting or lying down were death. This seems impossible.

Of course, this whole enterprise seems impossible.

But to help sweeten the deal, we’re offering up a prize to these 4, and any audience member who manages to watch the entire Marathon from start to finish.

If they make it all the way through, they’ll get:
* a Marathon t-shirt
* a season pass for the rest of the Hideout mainstage shows in 2012
* a season pass for all the 2013 mainstage shows.
* a show in next years Marathon where whoever made it through will call the shots
* our everlasting admiration

Wanna join them? The offer stands for anyone, and there are still some Marathon passes left.
Head on over to or just click this button: