The Secret Life of Inanimate Objects

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The Secret Life of Inanimate Objects

Ever wonder what your stuff does when you leave? Is your refrigerator in a feud with your stove? Are your juicer and your sewing machine involved in a torrid love affair?

The Secret Life of Inanimate Objects, playing Saturdays in June at 6pm at Hideout Theatre, is a fully-improvised story of the kinds of adventures, relationships and mishaps our gadgets get into when we’re not around. Each week, the cast of The Secret Life of Inanimate Objects will create a fully-improvised adventure starring the things all around us using suggestions from the audience.

“I love the kinds of stories where everything is kind of lighthearted and fun,” says director J.R. Zambrano. “Then all of a sudden something happens and you realize just how much you care about the characters you’re watching. I was hoping that this show could do something kind of like that–getting the people to play objects kind of frees them up to really explore and have fun.”

Directors: J. R. Zambrano and Marc Majcher
Assistant Director: Suzanne Link
Tech Director: Cortney DeAngelo
Technical Crew: Benjamin Blattberg, Carolyn Gjertsen, Nick Amsden
Ensemble Cast: Aaron Rubin, Bonnie Dilber, Christina Keller, Joy Parks, Kelly Campbell, Lahari Samineni, Luis Salinas, Nichole Bennett, Tyler Groce
Graphic Design and Set Accents: Kaci Beeler
Photography: Steve Rogers