710 Split for the Holidays

710 Split710 Split, a duo from LA comprised of two Austin ex-pats, will be ringing in the holidays on Sunday the 27th, at 7PM, in this absolutely FREE show. Here’s their bio:

In a high school journalism class, in a decade known as the 1990s, two skinny pale kids named Jeffrey Amos and Jordan T. Maxwell first met and unknowingly started a personal and creative relationship that has spanned two states, four troupes and over ten years of theatre, improv and sketch comedy.

From the experimental longform improv of the Well Hung Jury and Great Mundane to the warped sketch comedy of the Sicks, the two have a deep love of strong storytelling, esoteric characters and physical comedy that has filtered into all of their work.

Now the two long time friends have joined forces, unfettered by others, to explore and experiment realms of improv yet untold. They’re not as skinny anymore, but they’re still just as pale.

Neither considers this a fair trade off.

710 Split will be joined by another duo, The Amazon and the Milksop, comprised of Austin’s own Kaci Beeler and Curtis Luciani.

7PM, Sunday, the 27th. FREE. Just show up at the box office to get a ticket.